Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

I want to wish all the Dad's out there a very Happy Father's day, but especially one man in particular and that would be my Dad. So, we're going to take a little trip down memory lane.
(again, all photos thanks to my uncle Mike's Flickr account).

The point of this picture isn't to show how young and in love my parents were, it's just to show you that there was actually a time when my dad didn't have a full beard. Sweet sideburns, though.

As you can see from this picture at my christening, I inherited my ability to look good in a suit from my dad. Also, from his uncomfortable stance you can see where I also got my love of having my picture taken.

Let me sum up exactly what's going on in my dad's head when this picture was taken:
"I don't care what's in that box, as long as there are no decals..."

The King on his throne.
Those Granddaughters can make you do almost anything.

I'm not sure how I fully say thanks to a man who taught me everything from how to change a tire and put up sheet rock, to the importance of sequences and picking your battles, but here's the best I can do:

I love you, Dad!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Back at ya, Son.