Monday, June 15, 2009

Home Box Office

This weekend, we were treated to a free preview of both HBO and Cinemax. Three days to watch the same 9 movies on three hour loops. This also happened to be the weekend that the series True Blood was having it's season premiere. I'm sure it's not a coincidence and HBO is just trying to hook a new slew of people to sign up once they see the first episode. Personally, I'm not getting onto the vampire train. I've avoided True Blood as well as Twilight and I don't intend to stop now. I was more disappointed in the fact that there were no episode of Eastbound and Down or the Will Ferrell special You're Welcome, America on-demand. Those would have peaked my interest much more. But, the free preview was not lost as I continued to catch up on movies that I never saw in the theatre and never got around to renting. I'll give you my reviews now:

Tropic Thunder: One word review: eh. Here's the problem for this movie - it was a victim of it's own success. It came out at a time last year when I just didn't have time to get to the movies. But, all the while, everyone kept telling me how hilarious it was. So, when I finally got around to seeing it I was expected a laugh a minute. I mean, it had a couple laughs, but it wasn't this iconic comedy that I will watch 200 times. After everyone hyping it up to me for a year, it just couldn't meet my expectations.

Hellboy 2: Finally, we could answer the questions left after the first Hellboy movie. Actually, the first movie was ok, but this one just went off the tracks. While the first was darker and grittier, this one was trying to be lighter with more comedy and a heavier emphasis on the monsters. I guess when you pick the guy who directed Pan's Labyrinth to write and direct again then you should expect things to get a little weird.

Get Smart: I had no real urge to watch this movie, but at 11 am on a rainy Sunday my choices for alternate entertainment were limited. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Steve Carrell is his usual funny self, the action sequences are really well done and it has Anne Hathaway, who I would watch read a book quietly to herself. Going in with no expectations turned out to be a really good thing (the exact opposite of Tropic Thunder).


Liz said...

You're killing me, Rakauskas.

True Blood is brillz while Twilight is mega lame. Also - you didn't like Tropic Thunder? Hmm, maybe it was hyped up a bit. Myself I enjoyed Tom 'Elevator Shoes' Cruise's cameo.

Tom said...

I'm just not getting into vampires, Liz. Interview with a Vampire wasn't enough to pull me in, you think anything that comes out now will?

Also, I heard for too long how great Tom Cruise was. I expected a virtuoso performance. I got him him wearing a fat suit and swearing.

Liz said...

Interview with a Vampire sucked out loud! True Blood has it all. Sex, violence, hot actors (emphasis on actors) and Southern living, which to a Northerner, is quite hilarious.

I'll let you borrow my DVDs next time I'm home. You'll thank me.