Sunday, June 14, 2009

Boobs and Flags

Currently, the 317th ranked woman in professional tennis is a Romanian by the name of Simona Halep. Now, this is normally not newsworthy as Romanians have shown in the past that they can be quite the tennis players. However, Miss Halep has, by tennis standards... how can I put this gracefully... a huge chest (do your own damn googling). So, of course, this has garnered her more attention than the 317th ranked tennis player in the world usually would get. Case in point: I, who couldn't name you the first ranked woman tennis player, devoted a blog post to her.

Halep has announced that she plans to have breast reduction surgery this fall, because she feels that her breasts are getting in the way, costing her mobility. Now, I'm certainly not going to tell her what to do with her life, but this does sadden me because the closest thing that I have to a "type" would be athletic girls with large chests (oh, and if she could be Irish, that would make my mom happy as well). I'm just saying, surgery seems drastic - I'm sure Nike or whoever sponsors her could make her a better sports bra if they put their mind to it.

There is another voice in this discussion and it's Alena Schurkova. She has managed to rise to the rank of professional volleyballer despite also possessing a large chest - larger, in fact, than Halep (again, do your own googling). Schurkova makes the very compelling argument that maybe Halep is just a crappy tennis player and is sending the bad message that girls with large chests can't play sports. Considered me swayed on the argument.

All I know is I can't think of a clean way to end this post, so let's just move on.

-So, it's Flag Day. I'll tell you how to celebrate, but it seems sort of self-explanatory. I was going to rank some flags by coolness, but then I remembered I have no artistic taste. Plus, my geographical skills suck so I was sure I would miss a good entry. Instead, I'll just say go check out the flag of Libya. They put no effort into this.

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