Thursday, June 11, 2009

You Don't Understand The Power You Have...

This afternoon I wanted to look in a couple of stores to try and find a new drain plug for the cooler, in an attempt to not have to use plumber's putty or duct tape and still be able to use the good cooler. My hunt went about as well as you would have expected. Everyone sort of had the same reaction: "Oh, that would be good if we sold those... but, no, we don't." By the way, you're welcome for the free idea, Coleman.

On my way to check out the local Wal-Mart (I know, I'm not proud of me, either) I was driving down route 1 and at the Walpole Mall discovered that there was some construction going on at a side street. As a result, people heading south couldn't turn left at all and people coming from Walpole couldn't cross over route one. Traffic was being diverted up to the next set of lights where everyone would have to bang a U-turn. This was incredibly inconvenient, as this was a turn into a large shopping center they were cutting off, so there were a lot of cars forced to go up to the next light. The by-product was a long line of traffic in just the left lane of people needing to turn. Also, the green left arrow was a short light. This simply shined a light on one of the most important people that you have to share the road with everyday: the first person at the light.

I don't know if these people understand the power they possess. If their mind is wandering and they aren't on the gas right away, only 4 or 5 cars will get through. If they're on top of their game, however, that number could easily be as high as 8 or 9. And when you're the 40th car that needs to turn, that can make all the difference. It can be the deciding factor of sitting in traffic for an extra 5 minutes... or an extra 15. With gas prices slowly working their way back up, that can be an expensive proposition. I dealt with both today, as I had one car already into the intersection before the light even turned green (not recommended) and another that didn't go until everyone was honking and the light had turned yellow (also, not recommended); my advice would be try to be closer to the first guy, but wait on the light.

Just so we're clear, this responsibility also extends to the airport. I think it's your duty to be on your toes if you're next in line at the check-in counter as well. Don't get distracted by idol chit-chat or the fact that your about to spend $60 just to check your golf clubs. You need to be focused. I know you're amped to go on vacation, especially if it's some where cool. Some of the people behind you might have cut their drive time a little close, is all I'm saying. Every second counts.

-You know what's worse than getting a paper cut in the webbing between your fingers? Getting a paper cut while opening a letter, really excited cause you don't usually get mail... only to open it and find it's junk mail. Stupid gym membership offer.

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